In the middle of a logistics storm, I want to take time to thank many wonderful people who have lead, inspired or helped me realize one of my greatest dreams; running with the Great Raramuri of the Copper Canyons.
Three days from now, I will board a plane to Mexico, then another one to Mazatlan, then a bus to Los Mochis, then a train to Bauichivo, then whatever ride I can find to Urique. I will soak in the magnificent scenery of the Barrancas de Cobre, live with the People, run the trails and meditate.
I will marvel at this sacred place, and also be witness to the hardships its people endure. Whenever I can, I will smile and make myself available to cultural exchange, yearning to connect with a People that inspires not only my running, but my soul.
Along this journey, many people have played a role. Allow me to introduce them.
- Louise Lessard, ma Belle, ma femme. Celle qui partage ma vie, m’enrichit et m’encourage à être moi-même, à vivre à plein et à me réaliser. Quand je pense à l’avenir, je vois de nombreuses autres aventures, où je suis à tes côtés.
- André, Ti-Q, my best friend and brother. You teach me every day to never let anyone dictate my life. You are bold, stubborn and a true free thinker. You are awesome.
- Daniel Roy, my brother and best friend. No wonder your name shares so many letters with the word determination. You have the will of a mountain and the gentlest soul I have ever seen. You are the best expression of what being human means. You are family.
- Dany, Carlos, Vez, Jay, Fat, Paquet, Suj, Erin. You, too, are my family.
- Yves Daigneault, mon coach, mon ami. J’aurais jamais osé te remercier en anglais! Tu m’as fait progresser bien plus que tu t’en doutes. J’apporte avec moi ta force et le regard que tu portes sur moi. Merci.
- Pierre Lequient, Max, Donald, Jocelyn, I’ll never be half the runner each of you guys is. You inspire me beyond words.
- Gen, Josée, Lolo, Nico-Alex , Gillezz, Bruno, Chantal, Thierry, Redj, Danick, and all the EDLC mentors. You run with your heart. I love you all.
- Sammy, Achaymaa, Juan Pablo. I know we’re only supposed to be running buddies. But I can’t resist you. If I had kids of my own, I wish they would be you.
- To my own personal shaman, my Medicine Woman, Karen O’Reilly and her blonde-haired accomplice Linda. There’s an entire paragraph here I don’t even need to write :)
- To every person who brought good omens to my adventure. Anne-Marie the Firefly, my reiki girl from The Running Room, Maryse Couture, Marie-Claude Lemelin, 3othman. Thank you.
- To every generous donator for the “Contribute To The Dream Campaign”. You have brought in excess of 1,5 tons of seeds and food to a people in great need. It’s called korima. It’s a circle.
Alexandre Cusson, Anne-Marie Lacroix, Audrey Laroquette, Bruno St-Pierre, Carl Boudreault, Daniel Roy, Dany Boudreault, Élisabeth Lavergne, Geneviève Dupont, Geneviève Guité, Humberto Valencia, Jerôme Gagnon, Jocelyn Saurini, Karine Lessard, Kaya Verville, Kevin Leclerc, Laurence Hurtel, Marie-Josée Coutu, Mathieu Vanier, Max Lajoie, Micheline Marion, Mick Gaudette, Mireille Gagnon, Nathalie Gemme, Pierre Lequient, Seret Lafferty, Steve Lévesque, Stephanie Rose, Sylvain Durocher, T & C Wellness, Ysabelle Yelle, Yves Daigneault.
- And finally, I want to thank Benoît Deshayes at In-Sport Fashions for his great support and sponsorhips from VIVOBAREFOOT, Nathan Hydration and Balega.
Each and every one of you has a part in this dream. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I wish I can contribute to yours as you have for mine.
Kuira Ba,
Since you went there and did this, I have one question that I've never seen any info about. It's related in a way to the passing of Caballo, but also to other runners. Do you know of any of the Raramuri, either in the just completed CC Ultra, or from other races, who have ever experienced the kind of heart related problems that claimed Caballo and which also occasionally affect other Western marathon runners? You can email me directly about this at: leonw@kc.surewest.net. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteLeon, I don't.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure, however, that the Raramuri suffer the same illnesses and conditions we do, we are all humans. I do know for a fact that the traditional Raramuris suffer lower incidence of heart disease and other "western" ailments, but it's only related to their diet and exercise.