
May 23, 2020

Korima Run Day 7 - My New-York family

For the last official day of the Korima Run, I had a real treat planned, thanks to my friend Alan Wegener. He's one of the many Leatherman's Loop runners who've become my New-York family since 2012, when I was supposed to experience my very first Loop with Caballo Blanco. Fate, obviously, decided otherwise and when I told the race organizer, El Copadre Tony, that I wouldn't attend because the grief was too heavy, he said to please come anyway and join them. And it was one of the best things that happened to me in these times.

Because of the Loop, I got to meet all these wonderful, colorful new people and they've been in my life ever since. So when Alan read about the Korima Run, he sent me a message and we coordinated this little Saturday morning shenanigan. He gathered with a group of runners, among which Jugglin' Joe Cloidt and Lee Willett, and I contacted them before our mutual runs for a surprise little morning chat :)

As always, everyone was in a good mood and it was great to be in touch with kindred spirits. Karine was here with me, and got to tele-meet everyone for the first time. The sun was up, at least on my end, and we spent the run talking about the Leatherman's Loop, how I got there and all the positive it brought in my life.

So thank you Alan, for always being around, always having a good word and always being a friend of the Raramuri. Thank you New-York runners for your spirit and your support, may you run free and happy. Thank you for showing our friends that they have friends all over this world.


  1. It was truly beautiful. Joe got to tell the others- John and Claudia about who you were, and our own legend lives on. Thank you for letting me share this weeks running with the Raramuri - their spirits and passion have dragged my spirit back out in the trails- something that life had kept away from me for way to long. Your wonderful spirit is always with me when I am running in these woods. Run free my friend.
