
May 22, 2020

Korima Run Day 6 - Theland Kicknosway - Walk in a good way

Day 6 was a day with difficulties. Karine's foot isn't so great after all, and running won't be a good idea for a couple days. So we went out, but we walked instead.

It reminded me of something my friend Theland said sometimes, when we ran his Spirit Run between Ottawa and Kitigan Zibi; when we would walk, we would share thoughts and ideas and he would say "We walk in a good way". This is both a beautiful and a very meaningful expression.

There are many ways to walk. But when you go out with the intention of breathing fresh air, staying healthy and enjoying the outdoors, when you do it with love in your heart, when you have kind thoughts for your loved ones, you do it in a good way.

So that's what we did. We held hands and talked and watched the trees and the birds and the running water. And we had good thoughts. Like Theland taught me.

Theland Kicknosway is one of these young people who make our world better just by being themselves and following their own path. As a young Cree and Potawatomi, he goes about the world with his feet deeply rooted in culture. He is an accomplished singer, and traditional hoop dancer.

Thank you for having me in your circle, Theland. And thank you for the wonderful gift of seeing you grow up, evolve and become the great young man that you are!

Meegwetch, my friend.

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