
October 28, 2016

The First Day of Mas Korima

Today is a very important day.

First of all, I woke up in one of my favorite houses in one of my favorite places in the world. I went for a quick run around the neighborhood, surrounded with desert mountains. I also exchanged funny, quirky, lovely little messages with The Dragonfly, which reminded me the incredible luck I have that she's in my life.

I am a grateful man, for all the beauty that's in my life.

Today is already excellent, but it's also about to get downright exceptional. We are gathering our things and getting prepared to head to Fountain Hills, Arizona, at the Javelina Jundred site to officially launch Mas Korima, a dream we've been working on for over a year now.

We're starting something new., something good. We will use the workings of consumer marketing to bring excellent heritage nutrition products to the endurance world, which in turn will directly benefit our Raramuri partners and their communities, who provide the heirloom corn, ancient knowledge and labor that make the products so unique, wholesome and healthy.

Athletes and supporters will not only get access to the best natural endurance food from the Running People of the Copper Canyons, they will contribute to their livelihood, well-being and empowerment at the same time. Good food, good deeds, good will. The perfect circle.

By turning to a profit-based business model, we work with our friends as equal partners and we help them deal with the unavoidable modernity that's closing in to their homes. They get to decide how the crops are produced and handled and they are responsible to build the local network of people involved in the operations. They get to use their values, heritage and culture to guide the way of a real-world business, on their own terms. They face the same issues, questions and challenges that every starting company has to deal with, and we are here to support them and learn from this incredible adventure as a working group, a community.

And this is where I get so incredibly excited about Mas Korima. It's a new model, an idea based on equality. It's an opportunity to support and be taught, to face adversity and meet success, to make decisions and influence everyone's future in a respectful, humble and positive way. This is a chance to make a real difference.

You, me, Mas Korima, our Raramuri friends. Our way to live by the value of sharing, to create a powerful circle for positive change.

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