
June 10, 2014

My 100-Mile Week Challenge

The Pandora 24, Quebec's first 24-hour trail ultra, is getting closer every day. I'll be running it with fellow Mas Locos and good running friends, pipe dreaming of maybe pulling a 100 miles. But that, I now know, usually goes better with at least some training.

I took a longer commute yesterday, running to work from my Belle's. It's roughly 3 times farther than my place, at about 15K each way. So it's a pretty good running day, a 30k "twofer".

Silly little maths started playing out in my head, and I realized that if I run commute every single day this week, it amounts to 150K. Add a little 10K thrown in somewhere and you hit the 100-mile mark.

See where this is going?


And I *might* have a little suprise for the "little 10K"...

Si je veux faire une belle course à la Pandora, j'aurais avantage à m'entraîner un peu... Après quelques calculs, j'ai réalisé que si je cours au travail de chez ma Belle chaque jour cette semaine, et que j'ajoute un petit 10km pour compléter, ça fera 100 milles en 5 jours...

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