
January 3, 2014

100 Thank Yous

À ma Belle, qui m'a témoigné un appui indéfectible, même sans tout comprendre.

To Micah, who never ceased to inspire and guide me, to this day.

Maria, whose unfailing friendship warms my heart.

Dan, the Weatherman, and his thousand words of advice.

Dan, my brother, who taught me about bravery and resilience.

To my brother, for showing me that life is made of risk.

Sweeney, who told me our Mexican adventure would give me the fortitude I needed.

The Red-Tailed Hawk, for showing me the way and believing in me.

Jess, ever so graceful and light, who so enthusiastically shared the journey.

Nick, who generously spent some time explaining what such an adventure required. Also, for running alongside me in the last moments, sharing words that will be cherished.

To The Mas Locos, for everything.

Rachel, so light-footed and generous, sharing my last loops and cheering me on.

To the Redhead, whose fault that all is, for gently nudging me forward.

Jamil, Nathan and all the Coury family, for making me feel at home with such generosity.

Ian, a true champion, who humbly taught me hares and turtles both share the same challenges.

To Pierre, who inspired me to run in his footsteps.

To Donald, for not letting me fool myself and for his unfailing confidence.

Augusto, who shares my journey into life and running in so many interesting ways.

To The Leaf Warrior, The Great Tree, for the invisible link that unites us.

Baby Tiger, my fighter, my spark of life.

To Quebec runners and ultra enthusiasts, who make me feel home every time we cross paths.

Karine, so that somehow you feel your challenge is shared.

To Casey, for all intents and purposes an absolute stranger, incarnating what I love most about the culture of ultra running.

To the Arizona runners, for becoming an instant family.

To Luis the Coyote, for keeping it real, for real. For his generosity, his genuine kindness and his radiating strength.

The Santa Barbara runners, for being the rowdy awesome bunch they are.

To my Leatherman's Loop friends, who remain close to my heart year round.

Juan Pablo, who taught me a lesson of resilience I will never forget.

All the runners on that course who struggled, dug deep and kept going, for showing me how it's done.

To all my friends, close and far, who cheer and spur me on in my crazy adventures.

To Terry Fox, who planted a dream in a young boy's head years before any of this would happen.

And finally to you, FlintLand readers, for all your messages of support and love, which mean the world to me every single time. Always.

You have all contributed to making me who I am, and you have all played a role on that crazy track, where I spun myself stupid looping around day and night in search of something that is hard to describe or explain, until I got a firm grasp of it - crossing the finish line of a 100-mile run.

Thank you.


  1. Félicitations pour ton 100-mile run crossing! Et 100 X 10 mercis pour ton blog si intéressant et captivant!

  2. J'ai hâte de te revoir et on ira se prendre une bière (ou 2) pour vrai cette fois-ci ! lol
