
May 27, 2013

Review : Skechers GoRun2

  • Type : Neutral
  • Use : Road running
  • Price : About $80-90

This is the third Skechers shoe I get to review. The two previous models showed some promise, but also carried some flaws that prevented me from choosing to use the shoes after the review. The original GoRun was one of these models, so when I received a pair of GoRun2, I thought maybe I was in for a bit of the same.

First impression
The very first thing I did was flip the shoe and look at the sole to see if the “pods” were still there. Although there were still pod-like lugs, they did not look or feel like their oversized, protruding predecessors and were distributed differently around the sole. They resembled the rest of the sole pattern and went all the way around the forefoot area. Interesting.

It also seemed to me that the shoe’s profile had been considerably reduced, although it kept its signature upward curve at the heel.

Road test
I did with the GoRun2 what I had with the original model; I took it out for a couple run commutes. Immediately after putting the shoes on, I noticed they had a very different feel, which was closer to wearing a light neutral shoe. No more feeling the slightly-elevated, slightly-supported arch that I had disliked in the GoRun. No more “tilt-backward” feeling from the curved heel, either.

The slip-out insole got ditched early on
I took my sweet time to test the shoe out, at first to make sure I wouldn’t get all sorts of weird aches as I would up the mileage. But I quickly realized the GoRun2 is a very different animal than the GoRun; it felt increasingly comfortable and performed very well, even in winter conditions.

The only thing that went sideways (literally) is the insole, which was sliding out of the shoe as I ran, something I’ve never seen happen in any footwear. I was quick to throw the insole away, and I never looked back as the shoe is perfectly wearable without this mild annoyance.

Long-distance test
I grew fonder of the GoRun2 as I ran with it, and it became one of my first choices as a commuter. I also very much liked how the GoRun2 behaves when running fast, because I think it offers just the right amount of sole material to absorb the extra shock while remaining very light. My confidence in the GoRun2 increased enough that I decided to put it to an ultimate test; I wore them at the Ottawa Marathon yesterday.

Since I began trail running and strayed further and further from the roads, I find it increasingly difficult to run long distances on pavement because the hard, regular surface takes a heavy toll on my legs and feet. It requires a clockwork-type movement repeated to infinity, as opposed to the irregular, side-stepping, root-jumping dance of trail running. Wearing the GoRun2 made it a breeze by reducing my fatigue and allowing me to run as hard as I wanted in the downhills without feeling the added shock to my lower body. And I have to add that, after testing 3 models of Skechers shoes, I have become a fan of Resalyte, the soft, yet solid sole material they use in all their models.

I think Skechers has finally built a shoe that is a serious contender in the road-running world and that should be considered by ultra road runners looking for a softer ride on their long distance outings. The GoRun2 is soft, flexible, light, roomy and breathable. As an all-around running shoe, I’d be hard-pressed to find it any major flaw. This is the one Skechers model I have included in my personal shoe selection and will continue running in.

High points
  • Resalyte is simply one of the best sole materials I know
  • Roomy toebox allows for ample toe splaying
  • Surprisingly grippy for winter road running
  • Comfortable for both speed and long distance

Low points
  • Just ditch that annoying insole

The equipment for this personal review was supplied by Skechers, free of charge, without any conditions.


  1. Thanks for the review!

  2. Intéressante revue, merci. J'aime beaucoup le GR2 mais après avoir eu une ampoule sur un orteil j'ai décidé de courir le marathon d'Ottawa avec mes Go Bionic, choix que je n'ai pas regretté du tout même si c'est un soulier minimaliste au maximum. Je me demandais si tu avais eu des problèmes d'ampoules avec les GR2 dimanche. Bonnne aventure avec El Captain!

    1. Non, pas d'ampoules. Un léger frottement sur le côté du pied gauche, sans plus. Je portais des bas de compression Sugeoi (ceux qui vont jusque sous le genou).

    2. Hmmm... Très intéressant. Merci. Si tu permets, j'ai une autre question pour parfaire mon éducation. D'après ton expérience, est-ce que les bas de compression peuvent prévenir les ampoules? Je me suis acheté un kit de compression Ec3D à l'expo ( 2 paires de manchons pour les mollets, performance et récupération et 1 paire de bas). J'ai porté les manchons de performance et j'ai bien aimé ça mais j'ai pas eu le guts de porter les bas ne sachant pas ce qui aurait pu arriver.

      En passant, merci encore pour avoir fait une série sur le Natural running. Après avoir maîtrisé cette technique j'ai pu me débarrasser pour de bon d'une sérieuse blessure à l'iachio proximal et j'ai réussi amélioré mon meilleur temps sur marathon de 15 min ce qui m'a permis de me qualifier pour la première fois pour boston avec un buffer de 10 minutes. J'espère que ce sera assez pour pouvoir m'inscrire. J'aurais jamais pu accomplir mon rêve de boston si je n'étais pas tombé sur ton site et questionné Tina dans les comments. Merci!!!

  3. Wow, quel beau succès! Bravo pour ton BQ!!

    Je vais passer tes bons commentaires à Coach Tina, je suis sûr qu'elle sera ravie :)

    Pour répondre à ta question, je ne crois pas que les bas de compression soient spécifiquement meilleurs que des bas de course techniques réguliers pour prévenir les ampoules. Par exemple, j'ai des bas Saucony Kinvara (comme les souliers) et Balega qui font un excellent travail de prévenir les ampoules, tout comme mes bas EC3D Be-Hot ou mes Twist.

    Là où EC3D t'apporte un bénéfice, c'est dans la prévention des micro-oscillements musculaires (quand ton muscle bouge dans la direction opposée à ton mouvement de course) qui peuvent causer une fatigue quand tu cours de longues distances, comme un marathon ou un ultra.

    Ultimement, c'est une question de confort et de préférence. La meilleure façon de t'y retrouver, c'est d'essayer différentes combinaisons lorsque tu fais tes longues courses d'entraînement. Ça devrait t'éviter de mauvaises surprises dans tes courses :)
