
April 10, 2013

Dropping Out

It started out with my friend Dan. A couple years back, he decided he had enough of the 9-to-5 life and quit a really, really good job to go see the world. It’s not all roses and paradise, but he’s never looked back. Then Vez took off for a year. Then I started ultra running and met Sweeney, Shacky, Vanessa, Mike Miller, Olaf and a ton of others who simply wouldn’t accept routine anymore and decided to live a real life, which does not include slaving away for 40 hours every week.

I thought they were either very rich or really crazy, and likely a bit of both.

But it got me thinking. It got me looking at my own life differently and seeded a yearning that never went away. I want my life to be filled with adventures, I want to go with the flow, follow my instincts, wherever they take me. Mike Miller helped me realize it; I’m a disperser. Deep down inside, I’m a nomad.

So I made the move. I’m going off-grid.

I’m leaving on a sabbatical. I’m selling my car, downgrading my motorcycle and subletting my apartment. I’ve cut down on buying crap and saved some money, and I lowered my available salary to compensate my revenue while I’m gone. In a little over two months, I’m going to be homeless. And it feels awesome.

I’m going to pack only what I really need and stuff it into El Capitan, my $1,300 used camper van I found in classified ads. Then I hit the road. I’ll travel around Quebec for a part of summer, then head down to the West Coast to go running with my friends. I’ll probably spend fall on the West Coast, with a couple trips back and forth to do fun things like visit my Belle in Montreal and maybe go run in Korea with Dan. I’ll hang out in Boulder, Arizona, New Mexico, California and Texas, not necessarily in that order. My only plan: no plan.

When December closes in, I’ll cross over to Mexico and drive down to the Canyons to hang out with my friend Keith and to attend the annual Rarajipare. I’ll hop over to the Baja at some point, maybe to meet my Belle and drive around for her vacation. I’ll drop by Sayulita if Olaf is still around, then try to convince him to come down to Nicaragua with me for our friend Josue’s awesome volcano race, followed by UMCB of course. The rest is a big blur, and I love it that way.

I’ll use FlintLand as my link with you. I want to take some time to write about places and people, about my running and the events I’ll attend and about living small and free in a camper van. I want to share and connect, explore and discover, experience and struggle.

I want to live.


  1. After five years watching my kiddo battle cancer in a hospital bed and feeling totally helpless, twice, I have to say that I flippin' LOVE this! I mean, I LOVE IT! I have such a different perspective on life now- and truthfully, I've thought about this so many times I've lost count... I'm living vicariously through YOU for awhile, friend! Have at it; I'm proud of you!


    1. Sarah, I have read your blog and discovered your story, this is truly outstanding! You have such strenght and resolve. I am humbled and moved.

      I wish you, Cole and your whole family "Good health, strong body, clear mind".



    2. You are so sweet! Thank you!

  2. So excited for you! I will be watching as your journey unfolds and hope to see you in when the van comes through Southern California. Can I share Hey Fat Girl on my blog? I love it so much :)


    1. Carolyn: of course :)

      This text has been shared over and over. After almost a year, I still receive messages from people who were touched by it and inspired to reconquer their health and well-being through the simple, joyful act of running (or other activities). I could not have wished for a more positive reaction from everyone. I meant every word in that text from the bottom of my heart and cheer every day for those among us who head out the door and dare be active, no matter what shape, age or fitness level. Run free!

  3. Enjoy the journey my friend. Seems like so many of us are dispersing, I believe to spread the joy of life. I will miss not seeing you before we leave the country, but I am glad to be able to follow you on FB and Flintland. Run Free :)

    1. My funky-hat girl! I SO wish I could join you at BTR but it's just not possible this year. I wish you godspeed in your adventures and I'm looking forward to seeing you real soon! xxx

  4. Fantastique! C'est toute une nouvelle! Bien content de savoir que tu vas continuer à blogger pendant ton aventure. Ce sera intéressant de suivre ça. Ça prend du courage et bravo!

    Deux québécois qui partent à l'aventure, ça donne le goût de faire de même. Un qui part barefoot au bout du monde!__fr/a-propos et toi au Nicaragua dans une van de 1500$!

    Bon voyage et au plaisir de te lire!

  5. Can't wait to hear about all of your adventures! Tell me you are going to be at Born To Run this year?? :)

    1. I am so bummed :(

      I won't be at BTR... It's right before my sabbatical starts :(

  6. It may not be very hard convince to me.....see you in a free brother

  7. Dude, my friend! One word: ALASKA!!!!
    Please come and visit us and run on the ridges of mountains and then partake of our homebrew. Our door is open to you!! For realz.

    1. Alaska?! Now THAT sounds like an adventure! And El Capitan is 4x4...


  8. Our "Back yard"!

  9. Flint:

    I found your "Fat Girl" post at the beginning of the year when I was first starting my own blog about my journey to being healthier. I appreciated your kind words at the time and have been reading your blog ever since. I look forward to seeing where your adventure takes you. Thanks for being willing to share. :-) Have a blast and enjoy every moment!!!


    1. Lisa,

      Thank you for your kind words. It's been a pleasure and an honor to share with people like you, friends from all over the world. As I'm getting ready to start a new adventure, I might get even closer and, who knows, maybe stumble on you at a run? :)

    2. That would be awesome. Oregon is a great place to run. I'm doing a half marathon in October at Silver Creek Falls that is beautiful (and hard!) :-)

      I love being part of the running community! I have made a lot of progress since January when I read your "Hey, Fat Girl" post. Check out how I did at my Half Marathon last weekend. :-)

    3. Wow!

      Hearty congrats, Lisa!

      Follow me on the blog here and when I'm around your neighbourhood maybe we can go for a run :)
